What is Choose and Book?
Choose and Book is a new service that allows you to choose your hospital or clinic and book an appointment with a specialist.
Since summer 2004, Choose and Book has been introduced across England. It will eventually be available to all patients.
From 1 January 2006, when you and your GP agree that you need to see a specialist, you will be able to choose from at least four hospitals or clinics. You will also be able to choose the date and time of your appointment.
The benefits of Choose and Book:
You can choose from at least four hospitals
You can also choose the date and time for your appointment.
You experience greater convenience and certainty. With the old system, your hospital or clinic chose the date and time of your appointment. This may not have been convenient for you. With Choose and Book, the choice is yours.
There is less chance that information will get lost in the post because more correspondence takes place through computers.
For more information see the Choose & Book NHS Website
If you have not heard from the Booking Management team within 2-3 weeks of a referral being made by the GP, please contact the team on 01772 325100