Why is it important for Vaccinations to continue?
It is our main priority to help you. We want to reassure our patients, that immunisations are continuing and it is important to attend these appointments. If your appointment was cancelled because of the COVID-19 outbreak, you will be contacted and given the earliest appointment available. It is very important that routine childhood immunisations are started and completed on time despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
By attending your vaccination appointment, you are reducing the risk of an outbreak of vaccine-preventable diseases. This will also mean you a reducing the risk of individuals requiring health services.
Immunisations will proceed providing those attending for vaccinations (including parents and carers) are well and are not displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or other infections, and are not self-isolating because they have been in contact with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases.
This applies to anyone of any age requiring vaccinations.
I am worried about bringing my baby in for immunisations during the COVID-19 outbreak
Completing routine childhood immunisations on time remain important. This will help protect the infant or child from a range of serious and sometimes life-threatening infections.
The most up-to-date guidance on maintaining social distance in the waiting room such as separating individuals by 2m and decontaminating the premises and equipment, is being strictly followed in line with Public Health England (PHE) guidance on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) in our practice.
I am worried my baby’s/child’s immune system cannot cope with both COVID-19 and immunisations and I think in responding to vaccines, their ability to fight COVID-19 will be reduced/affected.
Vaccinating babies reduces the chances of co-infection with COVID-19 and a serious vaccine-preventable disease.
Vaccines contain either weakened viruses or only a small amount of the inactivated organism/toxoid, the response uses only a tiny proportion of the capacity of an individual’s immune system.
Vaccinations will not overload your baby’s/child’s immune system, it does not make them more susceptible to other infections and, if they do contract an infection in the immediate post-immunisation period, or were already incubating one when they were vaccinated, their immune system will still respond to it.
Vaccines may cause a mild fever which usually resolves within 48 hours (or 6 to 11 days following MMR). This is a common, expected reaction and isolation is not required, unless COVID-19 is suspected.
Any parent whos infant has a fever after vaccination should monitor their symptoms, if you are concerned at any time please do not hesitate to contact your GP or NHS 111.
If you have any questions or you are unsure about immunisations at the surgery, please contact our team.